WEBVTT 00:00:10.609 --> 00:00:13.179 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 00:00:13.189 --> 00:00:16.620 admin monitor dot com will begin momentarily. Thank 00:00:16.629 --> 00:00:25.109 you for your patience. 00:00:25.109 --> 00:00:27.870 Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission 00:00:27.879 --> 00:00:30.728 forum on suburban water rate request. Today's call 00:00:30.739 --> 00:00:33.520 is being recorded. If you object, you may disconnect 00:00:33.709 --> 00:00:36.789 Judge Kelly, you may begin. Thank you. I just wanna 00:00:36.798 --> 00:00:40.469 confirm the court reporters are ready to go ready, 00:00:40.478 --> 00:00:45.250 judge. Thank you. We are on the record. The commission 00:00:45.259 --> 00:00:49.118 will come to order. My name is Gerald F. Kelly and 00:00:49.130 --> 00:00:51.279 I am the administrative law judge assigned to this 00:00:51.289 --> 00:00:57.189 proceeding. Today is August 28th, 2023. We are conducting 00:00:57.200 --> 00:01:00.759 this public participation hearing or PPH remotely. 00:01:02.969 --> 00:01:05.730 The assigned commissioner to this proceeding is Commissioner 00:01:05.888 --> 00:01:09.198 Chroma and she is with us today and she will address 00:01:09.209 --> 00:01:13.719 everyone shortly. Please note that this PPH is being 00:01:13.730 --> 00:01:17.088 recorded and it's available on our website. If you 00:01:17.099 --> 00:01:20.260 do not wish to be recorded. Please disconnect. Now 00:01:21.088 --> 00:01:25.129 this is the time and place for the PP pertaining to 00:01:25.138 --> 00:01:32.588 application 23 101, the application of suburban water 00:01:32.599 --> 00:01:37.980 systems or suburban to increase rates for water service 00:01:38.198 --> 00:01:48.668 for 2024 2025 and 2026 on January 3rd, 2023 suburban 00:01:48.680 --> 00:01:53.069 filed its application which first appeared on the commission's 00:01:53.079 --> 00:01:59.349 daily calendar on January 6th, 2023. The application 00:01:59.359 --> 00:02:06.099 seeks to increase rates starting January 1 2024. The 00:02:06.109 --> 00:02:11.219 application seeks approval to increase rates by approximately 00:02:11.508 --> 00:02:24.500 19.74 million or 19.79% in 2024 6.4 million or 5.49% 00:02:24.838 --> 00:02:35.460 in 2025 and 6.39 million or 5.20% in 2026. The application 00:02:35.469 --> 00:02:40.558 requests that the commission find that suburban follows 00:02:40.569 --> 00:02:44.469 all federal and state drinking water standards and 00:02:44.479 --> 00:02:49.699 commission rules orders and decisions. Additionally 00:02:49.808 --> 00:02:55.300 the application made 18 special requests on February 00:02:55.308 --> 00:03:04.740 2nd 2023 A LJ resolution 176-3522 was issued and found 00:03:04.750 --> 00:03:08.379 that this proceeding is rate making. The commission's 00:03:08.389 --> 00:03:12.629 Public Advocate's Office or Cal Advocates reviewed 00:03:12.639 --> 00:03:17.669 the application and filed a protest on February 6 2 00:03:17.778 --> 00:03:24.258 23. Cal Advocates set forth its concerns with the application 00:03:24.479 --> 00:03:29.028 and its protest. No other protests were filed as it 00:03:29.038 --> 00:03:34.409 relates to this application. On February 16th, 2023 00:03:34.629 --> 00:03:39.520 Suburban filed a response to the public Advocates or 00:03:39.528 --> 00:03:45.439 cow advocates protest on February 17th, 2023. Suburban 00:03:45.449 --> 00:03:49.028 submitted the required 45 day update to its application 00:03:50.000 --> 00:03:52.969 A pre hearing conference was conducted in this proceeding 00:03:53.008 --> 00:03:58.129 on May 1 2023 and the scopy memo was issued on May 00:03:58.139 --> 00:04:06.110 25 2023. There will be a fact sheet posted at www dot 00:04:06.300 --> 00:04:15.258 CPUC dot C A dot gov forward slash PPH. That will have 00:04:15.270 --> 00:04:19.189 additional details concerning the application. As I 00:04:19.199 --> 00:04:22.160 noted earlier, Commissioner Chroma is with us today 00:04:22.209 --> 00:04:25.278 Commissioner. Would you like to make some opening remarks 00:04:27.048 --> 00:04:30.899 Uh Yes, thank you, Jeff Kelly. Good afternoon, everyone 00:04:31.639 --> 00:04:36.480 Uh My name is Javi Shama. My pronouns are she her uh 00:04:36.488 --> 00:04:40.290 as Judge Kelly indicated on the assigned commissioner 00:04:40.298 --> 00:04:45.338 for this proceeding for Urban Water Systems General 00:04:45.350 --> 00:04:53.059 rate case uh application. Oh, on January 3rd 2023 as 00:04:53.069 --> 00:04:57.269 Judge Kelly outlined to be submitted an application 00:04:57.278 --> 00:05:02.439 for approval of rate increases. I will be working with 00:05:02.449 --> 00:05:07.889 Judge Kelly very carefully to consider Veron's request 00:05:08.569 --> 00:05:12.500 in this general rate case and to ensure that customer 00:05:12.509 --> 00:05:17.988 bills reflect quality water service as this rate case 00:05:18.000 --> 00:05:21.178 proceeding may have large impacts on the rate payers 00:05:21.189 --> 00:05:25.790 We at the public commission take all participation 00:05:25.798 --> 00:05:29.048 very seriously and work to ensure that customers have 00:05:29.059 --> 00:05:31.970 ample opportunity to understand the proceedings that 00:05:31.980 --> 00:05:36.139 affect them and voice any questions or concerns. Today 00:05:36.149 --> 00:05:39.488 we'll have an opportunity to hear from suburban water 00:05:39.528 --> 00:05:45.428 system uh about their application and also from the 00:05:45.439 --> 00:05:49.949 public advocates. Uh The public will have an opportunity 00:05:49.959 --> 00:05:53.879 to share their questions with concern uh online via 00:05:53.920 --> 00:05:57.139 phone. I look forward to hearing from all of you and 00:05:57.149 --> 00:06:00.879 from our presenters today. Before I turn the microphone 00:06:00.889 --> 00:06:03.608 back to judge Kelly, I would like to thank today's 00:06:03.619 --> 00:06:08.470 court reporters or woman and Shannon laws who are working 00:06:08.480 --> 00:06:11.858 very hard to cover the hearing today and have a tough 00:06:11.869 --> 00:06:15.088 job of capturing everything that will be set here for 00:06:15.100 --> 00:06:18.709 the record. I also want to thank Joseph Haga Jacob 00:06:19.470 --> 00:06:22.379 and Robert Stanford from our information technology 00:06:22.389 --> 00:06:26.519 team to make these, these meetings possible. Thank 00:06:26.528 --> 00:06:29.980 you and back to you, Judge Kelly. 00:06:29.980 --> 00:06:32.939 Thank you, Commissioner. Before we start, I just want 00:06:32.949 --> 00:06:36.259 to give everybody a brief overview of what the California 00:06:36.269 --> 00:06:40.588 Public Utilities Commission or C PC is and what we 00:06:40.600 --> 00:06:46.160 do. The C PC is the state agency that regulates privately 00:06:46.170 --> 00:06:49.899 owned utilities like suburban that provide essential 00:06:49.910 --> 00:06:55.309 services such as electric, gas and water. There are 00:06:55.319 --> 00:06:59.149 five commissioners at the C PC. The five commissioners 00:06:59.160 --> 00:07:02.410 will be the people who vote and decide whether to approve 00:07:02.420 --> 00:07:06.139 the application. My role as the assigned administrative 00:07:06.149 --> 00:07:09.689 law judge in this case is to review the application 00:07:10.160 --> 00:07:13.350 based on the evidence that is presented. I will write 00:07:13.358 --> 00:07:16.428 a proposed decision for the commissioners to consider 00:07:17.108 --> 00:07:20.108 the commissioners will vote to adopt my proposed decision 00:07:20.369 --> 00:07:23.970 or an alternate decision if put forth by a commissioner 00:07:24.858 --> 00:07:29.319 hearings are tentatively set to start October 2nd 2023 00:07:29.410 --> 00:07:33.199 and last for three days at this time. It is expected 00:07:33.209 --> 00:07:37.069 that these hearings will be conducted remotely. Although 00:07:37.079 --> 00:07:40.540 hearings are tentatively set, it is possible that the 00:07:40.548 --> 00:07:43.259 parties may settle the matter prior to the date of 00:07:43.269 --> 00:07:47.920 hearings. If they do settle. The commission will evaluate 00:07:48.040 --> 00:07:50.928 whether to adopt the settlement agreement or portions 00:07:50.939 --> 00:07:55.369 thereof. Currently, there are two parties in this proceeding 00:07:55.730 --> 00:07:59.139 The two parties are suburban and the commission's Public 00:07:59.149 --> 00:08:02.879 Advocate's office. The Public Advocate's Office is 00:08:02.889 --> 00:08:07.000 an independent branch within the C PC who works to 00:08:07.009 --> 00:08:10.970 represent the interest of the rate payers in proceedings 00:08:10.980 --> 00:08:14.899 like this. They do not work for me or the commissioner 00:08:15.338 --> 00:08:18.619 both suburban and the Public Advocate's office will 00:08:18.629 --> 00:08:23.230 give you a brief presentation shortly. I will now explain 00:08:23.238 --> 00:08:27.329 the purpose of the PPH we are having today. We are 00:08:27.338 --> 00:08:30.769 here today to listen to your comments on suburban's 00:08:30.778 --> 00:08:35.570 application for the increase in rates. We want to hear 00:08:35.649 --> 00:08:40.779 how the application will impact you, your family or 00:08:40.788 --> 00:08:44.940 your community as a suburban customer. Your comments 00:08:44.950 --> 00:08:49.889 will help the CPC gather information to determine whether 00:08:49.899 --> 00:08:53.729 to grant the application. In addition to considering 00:08:53.739 --> 00:08:57.389 the comments received here today, we will also consider 00:08:57.399 --> 00:09:01.279 all comments that have been submitted electronically 00:09:01.288 --> 00:09:05.048 or by other means in this proceeding. If you would 00:09:05.058 --> 00:09:08.369 like to provide public comments today, you may do so 00:09:08.379 --> 00:09:22.129 by Kyle calling 808 571917 entering pass code 603 278 00:09:22.139 --> 00:09:27.489 £8 and pressing star one on your phone. This will alert 00:09:27.500 --> 00:09:30.700 the operator who will begin to cue public speakers 00:09:31.349 --> 00:09:35.168 Please provide your name. If you are a public official 00:09:35.178 --> 00:09:38.609 please notify the operator of your title and position 00:09:38.928 --> 00:09:43.308 in addition to your name, I will not be answering questions 00:09:43.320 --> 00:09:46.178 about the application here today as the purpose of 00:09:46.190 --> 00:09:50.058 this PP is to obtain public comments about the application 00:09:50.690 --> 00:09:54.820 However, if you have a customer specific question, 00:09:54.899 --> 00:09:58.609 such as a question about your bill or your service 00:09:58.619 --> 00:10:03.009 or the application, we have a customer service representative 00:10:03.019 --> 00:10:06.940 available from excuse me, from suburban that you may 00:10:06.950 --> 00:10:10.700 call and direct your specific questions to you may 00:10:10.710 --> 00:10:16.399 reach this individual by calling MS Lisa Lozano at 00:10:16.609 --> 00:10:40.599 626543 2656 or emailing her at llo va no at swwc dot 00:10:40.609 --> 00:10:45.029 com. I'm just going to go over a few basic ground rules 00:10:45.038 --> 00:10:48.048 for the proceeding here. Today, the court reporters 00:10:48.058 --> 00:10:50.798 will be transcribing everything that is said here today 00:10:51.519 --> 00:10:55.548 Please remember to speak slowly and clearly as the 00:10:55.558 --> 00:10:58.769 court reporters have the difficult job of taking down 00:10:58.779 --> 00:11:03.200 everything which is said here today, only one person 00:11:03.210 --> 00:11:07.330 at a time can speak as the court reporters are unable 00:11:07.389 --> 00:11:11.048 to transcribe an accurate record when more than one 00:11:11.058 --> 00:11:15.340 person is speaking. The first time you speak, please 00:11:15.349 --> 00:11:18.639 state and spell your name to ensure that we have an 00:11:18.649 --> 00:11:22.719 accurate record. It may be excuse me. It may be necessary 00:11:22.879 --> 00:11:26.210 for the court reporters to interrupt a speaker that 00:11:26.219 --> 00:11:30.750 something is not comprehendible after this public participation 00:11:30.759 --> 00:11:34.259 hearing is over. The court reporters will prepare a 00:11:34.269 --> 00:11:38.048 written transcript of this hearing. This transcript 00:11:38.058 --> 00:11:41.408 will be provided to myself and the five commissioners 00:11:41.649 --> 00:11:45.090 Additionally, it will be available to the public and 00:11:45.099 --> 00:11:48.649 will be posted to the dock a card of this proceeding 00:11:49.879 --> 00:11:52.649 We will now have a brief presentation from the parties 00:11:52.719 --> 00:11:56.288 as it relates to their application and their protest 00:11:56.570 --> 00:11:59.950 at this time. Suburban will give its brief presentation 00:12:03.769 --> 00:12:10.418 Thank you, Judge Kelly. This is Craig got Craiggo TT 00:12:10.609 --> 00:12:13.229 and I'm the president of Suburban Water Systems. I 00:12:13.239 --> 00:12:17.418 wanted to say good afternoon to judge Kelly and Commissioner 00:12:17.619 --> 00:12:21.989 SRO Thank you. Uh My pronouns are he? He? And I'll 00:12:22.000 --> 00:12:25.099 get started with a brief introduction. I've been the 00:12:25.109 --> 00:12:28.259 I've been at suburban water systems for 21 years. I've 00:12:28.269 --> 00:12:30.979 been working in engineering operations and now as the 00:12:30.989 --> 00:12:34.599 president, um I'm gonna skip to the next slide please 00:12:37.219 --> 00:12:41.239 At suburban. Our mission is to provide life sustaining 00:12:41.250 --> 00:12:44.469 water and wastewater services to our customers, empowering 00:12:44.479 --> 00:12:47.989 the communities. We serve. Our core values are safety 00:12:48.000 --> 00:12:51.428 environmental stewardship, customer care, employee 00:12:51.440 --> 00:12:55.469 empowerment, integrity and community partnership. Our 00:12:55.479 --> 00:12:58.769 request in this GRC is aligned with our mission and 00:12:58.779 --> 00:13:05.349 values. Move to the next slide, please. 00:13:05.349 --> 00:13:10.019 I wanted to highlight our, our low income rate assistance 00:13:10.029 --> 00:13:13.178 program or cap program. Our customer assistance program 00:13:13.460 --> 00:13:17.690 that provides monthly discounts to qualifying low income 00:13:17.700 --> 00:13:21.619 customers to make sure that bills are affordable. We 00:13:21.629 --> 00:13:27.119 have currently 11,600 I guess as of December, 11,627 00:13:27.129 --> 00:13:30.288 customers signed up for this representing about 15% 00:13:30.519 --> 00:13:35.139 of our customer base and the rate on here, 876 we're 00:13:35.149 --> 00:13:37.808 proposing to increase proportionately with that rate 00:13:37.820 --> 00:13:40.700 increase. And I think that at our requested rate increase 00:13:40.710 --> 00:13:45.288 would be about $10.50. I wanted to also highlight on 00:13:45.298 --> 00:13:48.379 this slide that in the past year, a couple of years 00:13:48.389 --> 00:13:52.899 we have applied $1.8 million of grants to relieve a 00:13:52.908 --> 00:13:55.500 big portion of our customers COVID arrearage debt. 00:13:56.229 --> 00:13:59.320 We're also applying for more in the upcoming program 00:13:59.690 --> 00:14:02.830 And then we are also promoting the low income household 00:14:02.840 --> 00:14:06.399 water assistance program or for our customers and that 00:14:06.408 --> 00:14:11.479 gives debt up to $12,000 and can also be used for future 00:14:11.489 --> 00:14:14.619 debt. So I encourage anybody listening, that's interested 00:14:14.629 --> 00:14:18.009 to call our number and we can give you more information 00:14:18.019 --> 00:14:20.759 about those two programs. Also want to point out I 00:14:20.769 --> 00:14:25.219 mention in the Water Resources Group report, the Human 00:14:25.229 --> 00:14:28.599 Rights of Water in poor communities of color suburban 00:14:28.609 --> 00:14:31.668 was called out as the least expensive of the of the 00:14:31.678 --> 00:14:34.798 investor owned water utilities. Uh We're very proud 00:14:34.808 --> 00:14:38.038 of that fact. We can move on to the next slide, please 00:14:42.149 --> 00:14:46.330 In December, we became the owners of the Sativa water 00:14:46.340 --> 00:14:49.340 system and we're pleased to say that everything is 00:14:49.349 --> 00:14:53.690 going very well. Customers immediately became eligible 00:14:53.700 --> 00:14:58.168 for our $8.76 customer assistance program that I just 00:14:58.178 --> 00:15:02.298 described if they're qualifying, we're in process designing 00:15:02.308 --> 00:15:04.820 over $10 million of capital improvements to improve 00:15:04.830 --> 00:15:08.158 the supply of reliability, fire flow capacity and water 00:15:08.168 --> 00:15:11.739 quality. We've had many town hall events. We had one 00:15:11.750 --> 00:15:15.940 back in January 26th. We've had informal quarterly 00:15:15.950 --> 00:15:18.678 food distributions and we had a career fair with our 00:15:18.690 --> 00:15:21.649 neighbor there community. Sorry Compton Youth Field 00:15:21.798 --> 00:15:24.279 And we have another town hall coming up on 9 21. So 00:15:24.288 --> 00:15:26.428 I certainly invite any customers that have called in 00:15:26.710 --> 00:15:29.340 to join us at our future events, especially the town 00:15:29.349 --> 00:15:33.058 hall meeting. Um I I want to highlight too here, the 00:15:33.070 --> 00:15:35.639 employee that you see was actually an employee of the 00:15:35.649 --> 00:15:38.619 community. Uh One of the customers of water that we 00:15:38.629 --> 00:15:42.989 were able to hire after we took um started operating 00:15:43.000 --> 00:15:45.288 the system. We can skip to the next slide, please. 00:15:47.509 --> 00:15:51.658 In this case, we have proposed a thoughtful improvement 00:15:51.668 --> 00:15:54.750 capital investment plan. It is required to provide 00:15:54.759 --> 00:15:57.599 our customers to ensure our customers keep getting 00:15:57.609 --> 00:16:00.580 safe and reliable water supply when they want it and 00:16:00.590 --> 00:16:04.940 when they need it, the recent fires in Maui demonstrated 00:16:04.950 --> 00:16:08.428 the importance of a reliable water system for firefighting 00:16:08.849 --> 00:16:11.690 and also the recent drought demonstrated the importance 00:16:11.700 --> 00:16:15.719 of access to local water resources like local water 00:16:15.729 --> 00:16:19.700 rights that save money for customers. Just some highlights 00:16:19.710 --> 00:16:22.119 Some of the projects that we have here is drilling 00:16:22.129 --> 00:16:26.000 wells and acquiring water rights to make more use of 00:16:26.009 --> 00:16:31.798 local water aquifers, ami meters to improve service 00:16:31.808 --> 00:16:35.119 for customers, solar power and electric vehicles to 00:16:35.129 --> 00:16:38.558 reduce our carbon footprint. We have annual projects 00:16:38.570 --> 00:16:41.349 that we are always working on pipeline, pipeline replacements 00:16:41.359 --> 00:16:44.899 hydrants and valves and a big project. I'm actually 00:16:44.908 --> 00:16:47.658 going to talk a little bit more about is our pfas removal 00:16:47.908 --> 00:16:52.460 project so we can skip to the next slide 00:16:52.460 --> 00:16:56.330 and that is about PFAS. So PFAS is a man made chemical 00:16:56.340 --> 00:16:58.969 with heat and water resistance properties that makes 00:16:58.979 --> 00:17:01.639 it very hard to break down in the environment. PFAS 00:17:02.119 --> 00:17:04.318 is found in all those products you see on the right 00:17:04.608 --> 00:17:08.108 paint shampoo, non stick cookware, stainless stain 00:17:08.118 --> 00:17:11.029 resistant products, photography, firefighting phones 00:17:11.039 --> 00:17:13.799 fast food packaging, pesticides and paint. So pretty 00:17:13.809 --> 00:17:18.430 much everything they have reported and studied health 00:17:18.439 --> 00:17:23.130 effects, reproductive for child development, developmental 00:17:23.140 --> 00:17:25.920 effects, increase cancer risk, reduce immune response 00:17:25.930 --> 00:17:29.858 and increase cholesterol and risk of obesity. Suburban 00:17:29.868 --> 00:17:33.500 has tested for PFAS in its wells and some of our wells 00:17:33.509 --> 00:17:36.170 and found them. Sorry. We have tested all of our wells 00:17:36.180 --> 00:17:38.500 and we have found it in some of our wells at plant 00:17:38.509 --> 00:17:41.078 two and one. And in this rate case, we're requesting 00:17:41.088 --> 00:17:44.910 approval to invest $42 million to construct a treatment 00:17:44.920 --> 00:17:49.559 plant to remove this PFAS at the source. We're also 00:17:49.568 --> 00:17:56.529 pursuing insurance and litigation against the manufacturers 00:17:56.539 --> 00:17:59.709 of these chemicals to help bring down the cost of these 00:17:59.719 --> 00:18:03.130 treatment facilities if you can move on to the next 00:18:03.140 --> 00:18:05.660 slide. 00:18:05.660 --> 00:18:09.410 Conservation suburban's customers did great responding 00:18:09.420 --> 00:18:12.108 to the governor's executive orders over the last couple 00:18:12.118 --> 00:18:16.959 of years and actually reduced our use their usage by 00:18:16.969 --> 00:18:21.420 more than 20% suburban was recognized as an all star 00:18:21.430 --> 00:18:26.650 conservation utility by the state. What we have seen 00:18:26.660 --> 00:18:29.328 now, even after the very wet winter that we've had 00:18:29.338 --> 00:18:32.890 customers have actually made permanent changes to their 00:18:32.900 --> 00:18:35.410 landscaping that's reduced their water, their water 00:18:35.420 --> 00:18:38.779 demand and also changed their water use behavior. So 00:18:38.789 --> 00:18:42.199 we're seeing significantly lower water use sticking 00:18:42.209 --> 00:18:46.568 around even after the rains and getting back into the 00:18:46.578 --> 00:18:49.400 summer months, which is very surprising to us so could 00:18:49.410 --> 00:18:52.670 work for our customers conserving water. The next slide 00:18:52.680 --> 00:18:58.630 is about supplier diversity, suburban led all CP regulated 00:18:58.640 --> 00:19:03.199 utilities in supplier diversity spend in 2022 was 67% 00:19:04.029 --> 00:19:09.250 and we are committed to supporting businesses that 00:19:09.259 --> 00:19:12.559 represent our community. So I wanted to just note that 00:19:12.828 --> 00:19:14.989 and then the last slide that I have and I'm going to 00:19:15.000 --> 00:19:19.588 wrap up there is about public outreach and we have 00:19:19.598 --> 00:19:22.578 engaged in extensive public outreach to provide our 00:19:22.588 --> 00:19:26.289 community important, timely accurate and Multilingual 00:19:26.299 --> 00:19:28.920 communication. And we've done that through many different 00:19:28.930 --> 00:19:31.969 forms like the picture you see there is a community 00:19:31.979 --> 00:19:37.170 forum, we do mailers and bill inputs and emails, community 00:19:37.180 --> 00:19:39.949 booths at events. We have payment lobbies that are 00:19:39.959 --> 00:19:43.559 open to receive customers. We have social media presence 00:19:43.568 --> 00:19:46.029 we do food distribution events and of course, our website 00:19:46.039 --> 00:19:49.799 is a great place to see what's going on at suburban 00:19:49.809 --> 00:19:53.390 and a good place for resources for our customers. The 00:19:53.400 --> 00:19:57.598 very last slide now is just for me to wrap up. As 00:19:57.608 --> 00:20:00.410 you can see, there are a lot of challenges and opportunities 00:20:00.420 --> 00:20:05.029 facing our utility. They are complex. I'm really proud 00:20:05.039 --> 00:20:08.680 of the great work that our diverse team of employees 00:20:08.689 --> 00:20:11.489 does around the clock to make sure that we're serving 00:20:11.500 --> 00:20:15.180 our customers. So please don't hesitate to let us know 00:20:15.189 --> 00:20:17.640 if we can be of help. And here is all of our 00:20:17.650 --> 00:20:20.189 contact information. Should anybody need it? And I 00:20:20.199 --> 00:20:22.529 did want to give a shout out and thank Lisa for being 00:20:22.539 --> 00:20:29.818 available today to take calls for our customers. 00:20:29.818 --> 00:20:32.920 Thank you, Mr T. The Commission's Public Advocate's 00:20:32.930 --> 00:20:38.259 Office will now give their presentation. 00:20:38.259 --> 00:20:41.689 Thank you, Judge Kelly. My name is uh Soloman Ibrahim 00:20:41.699 --> 00:20:50.199 Sul I MA N Ibrahim. I'm a senior utilities engineer 00:20:50.209 --> 00:20:55.088 with the Public Advocate's Office and I will be giving 00:20:55.098 --> 00:20:59.930 you a brief overview of our recommendations and the 00:20:59.939 --> 00:21:06.709 current proceedings. Next flight, please. 00:21:06.709 --> 00:21:09.900 So the Public Advocate's Office is an independent office 00:21:09.910 --> 00:21:12.949 within the California Public Utilities Commission that 00:21:12.959 --> 00:21:17.180 represents the interests of great fair. Our multidisciplinary 00:21:17.189 --> 00:21:21.430 team has expertise in a variety of topics including 00:21:21.439 --> 00:21:25.838 engineering, economics, accounting and finance 00:21:25.838 --> 00:21:28.868 because we are an independent office within the CPUC 00:21:29.279 --> 00:21:32.049 Our views are not necessarily reflected of the commission 00:21:33.199 --> 00:21:37.189 and places 00:21:37.189 --> 00:21:40.279 our statutory mission is to obtain the lowest possible 00:21:40.289 --> 00:21:42.989 rate per service, consistent with the reliable and 00:21:43.000 --> 00:21:45.809 safe service levels. 00:21:45.809 --> 00:21:51.049 So we independently analyzed suburbans request and 00:21:51.059 --> 00:21:55.039 present are results to the commission. That's why I 00:21:55.049 --> 00:21:58.848 see. 00:21:58.848 --> 00:22:01.910 And we present our results in the form of testimony 00:22:02.039 --> 00:22:04.880 that shows our analysis and recommendations on a wide 00:22:04.890 --> 00:22:08.539 range of issues including capital investment, sales 00:22:08.549 --> 00:22:11.519 and rate, design and conservation and operating expenses 00:22:12.910 --> 00:22:17.358 Oh, can you go to like this? 00:22:17.358 --> 00:22:21.009 So, based on our independent analysis, the Public Advocate's 00:22:21.019 --> 00:22:25.818 Office is recommending a January 1 2024 increase of 00:22:25.828 --> 00:22:32.088 no more than approximately $3.6 million or 3.52% as 00:22:32.098 --> 00:22:35.309 compared to suburbans request of a little under $20 00:22:35.318 --> 00:22:38.799 million or 19.7 months. 00:22:38.799 --> 00:22:42.880 And so, 00:22:42.880 --> 00:22:46.309 and some of our specific recommendations include authorizing 00:22:46.318 --> 00:22:49.380 funding for a more moderate pipeline replacement program 00:22:49.390 --> 00:22:53.160 than the one proposed by suburban 00:22:53.160 --> 00:22:56.529 reducing suburban's proposed purchase and pumps water 00:22:56.539 --> 00:22:59.618 costs. The more accurately reflect suburban's actual 00:22:59.630 --> 00:23:03.118 cost of purchasing and pumping water. Let's play it 00:23:03.130 --> 00:23:07.049 if you don't mind 00:23:07.049 --> 00:23:10.019 removing the budget for purchasing water rights as 00:23:10.029 --> 00:23:13.328 the proposed purchases are not cost effective and we 00:23:13.338 --> 00:23:17.618 are also forecasting lower rate increases due to differences 00:23:17.630 --> 00:23:24.009 in customer consumption forecasts. That's right. 00:23:24.009 --> 00:23:28.559 So for any more details on our actual recommendations 00:23:28.568 --> 00:23:30.779 or if you would like to read our reports, you can visit 00:23:30.789 --> 00:23:35.160 our website and download the report. Our website is 00:23:35.939 --> 00:23:42.699 www dot public advocates dot cpuc dot C A dot That 00:23:42.709 --> 00:23:46.949 concludes my presentation. Thank you very much. 00:23:46.949 --> 00:23:51.049 Thank you, sir. A reminder to those who wish to speak 00:23:51.059 --> 00:23:54.269 if you have not already done. So please press star 00:23:54.279 --> 00:23:57.759 one on your phone and the operator will add you to 00:23:57.769 --> 00:24:01.640 a list of speakers. Also a reminder that if you are 00:24:01.650 --> 00:24:04.630 a public official, please notify the operator of your 00:24:04.640 --> 00:24:08.789 title in addition to your name. I just want to remind 00:24:08.799 --> 00:24:12.209 any anyone who will be speaking to, please try to keep 00:24:12.219 --> 00:24:16.299 your comments to around three minutes. Uh If we don't 00:24:16.309 --> 00:24:19.430 have a lot of speakers, you could have a longer time 00:24:19.699 --> 00:24:22.449 Uh Otherwise if, if there, if we do get a number of 00:24:22.459 --> 00:24:25.160 speakers, then I would have to request that people 00:24:25.170 --> 00:24:29.328 keep it to around three minutes. Also, please remember 00:24:29.439 --> 00:24:33.430 to try to speak slowly and clearly, this will help 00:24:33.439 --> 00:24:36.769 the court reporters out tremendously. And when the 00:24:36.779 --> 00:24:39.568 operator informs you that it's your turn to speak, 00:24:39.578 --> 00:24:42.559 please start your comments by stating and spelling 00:24:42.568 --> 00:24:46.489 your name along with your location. We will hear you 00:24:46.500 --> 00:24:49.769 best. If you speak directly into your phone or headset 00:24:50.068 --> 00:24:52.568 please try to avoid using a speaker phone when you 00:24:52.578 --> 00:24:56.640 are providing public comments. And it's my understanding 00:24:56.650 --> 00:25:00.959 that we do have one person in the queue to make comments 00:25:00.969 --> 00:25:04.338 at this time. Uh We can go ahead and allow the operator 00:25:04.348 --> 00:25:12.739 to have the person make their public comments. 00:25:12.739 --> 00:25:14.989 Thank you again. If you would like to make a comment 00:25:15.000 --> 00:25:18.160 please unmute your phone, press start one and record 00:25:18.170 --> 00:25:21.630 your first and last name slowly and clearly our first 00:25:21.640 --> 00:25:25.479 caller is Laurel Mendoza. You may go ahead, your line 00:25:25.489 --> 00:25:28.660 is open. 00:25:28.660 --> 00:25:32.430 Thank you. Can you hear me clearly? 00:25:32.430 --> 00:25:34.880 Hello. 00:25:34.880 --> 00:25:38.489 Can you hear me? Go ahead. All right, thank you. Um 00:25:38.500 --> 00:25:41.959 my name is Laura Mendoza and I've been a resident of 00:25:41.969 --> 00:25:47.868 of for the past 23 years. Um, excuse me, I'm sorry 00:25:48.299 --> 00:25:51.660 And I, um, I'm kind of coming in late to the game 00:25:51.670 --> 00:25:55.818 of this issue a few weeks ago or so I received, um 00:25:55.828 --> 00:26:00.088 what looked to be junk mail, um, in the mail and saw 00:26:00.098 --> 00:26:04.920 that it had suburban water systems um logo on it. Usually 00:26:04.930 --> 00:26:06.759 I throw this type of junk mail away. I'll admit and 00:26:06.769 --> 00:26:08.469 I apologize, I probably should have been paying more 00:26:08.479 --> 00:26:10.799 attention 00:26:10.799 --> 00:26:15.269 when I read the contents of this document. I was really 00:26:15.279 --> 00:26:18.680 surprised to see the reasons why they were asking for 00:26:18.689 --> 00:26:22.529 these rate increases. Um We were told in Lara that 00:26:22.539 --> 00:26:28.519 we were, we were to to conserve water. We did everything 00:26:28.529 --> 00:26:32.699 that we were supposed to do and like they said, Lara 00:26:32.930 --> 00:26:38.769 residents did a very good job. And during uh the president 00:26:38.779 --> 00:26:41.890 of suburb water water systems, one of the comments 00:26:41.900 --> 00:26:44.739 that he made was that he has community partnership 00:26:45.750 --> 00:26:48.650 Um I would like to give an example or maybe ask a 00:26:48.660 --> 00:26:53.348 question of if this falls into the category of community 00:26:53.358 --> 00:26:58.828 partnership. One day in the mail I received from suburban 00:26:58.838 --> 00:27:04.588 water systems, a picture of my home where water was 00:27:04.598 --> 00:27:10.068 was running on the sidewalk and on the grass. And I 00:27:10.078 --> 00:27:13.848 felt very surprised, ashamed all the words you want 00:27:13.858 --> 00:27:16.568 to say. I had no idea. So, apparently trucks are driving 00:27:16.578 --> 00:27:20.549 around the city to Lara residents taking pictures of 00:27:20.559 --> 00:27:23.430 us. And I feel like, I don't know. It's a little strange 00:27:23.439 --> 00:27:27.118 to me. Um, you know, if you're trying to save money 00:27:27.130 --> 00:27:29.358 driving around the city and spying on your neighbors 00:27:29.368 --> 00:27:31.598 and your residents, I don't think is the way to do 00:27:31.608 --> 00:27:35.779 it. So I went to Lamda City Council meeting this last 00:27:35.789 --> 00:27:38.719 Tuesday and voiced my concern about it. And I was told 00:27:38.729 --> 00:27:43.029 by the city council point blank, they've already tried 00:27:43.039 --> 00:27:45.939 this before and the commission doesn't care and no 00:27:45.949 --> 00:27:49.088 matter what the residents say it's going to go through 00:27:49.239 --> 00:27:52.269 And he told me that the last application cycle you 00:27:52.279 --> 00:27:55.598 all cited for the reason for the increase was residents 00:27:55.608 --> 00:28:00.559 were using too much water. So which is it? Ok. And 00:28:00.568 --> 00:28:03.229 and asking this increase on the, the taxpayers of mama 00:28:03.549 --> 00:28:06.689 that do pay their bills. We pride ourselves and we 00:28:06.699 --> 00:28:09.229 want to help our community. If somebody needs help 00:28:09.239 --> 00:28:11.039 paying their water bill, I would be more than fine 00:28:11.049 --> 00:28:14.479 to, it's never been given to us. I want to help everybody 00:28:14.489 --> 00:28:17.900 We all do. So I'm hoping and I understand I read through 00:28:17.910 --> 00:28:20.578 the application very, very carefully and I do agree 00:28:20.588 --> 00:28:22.608 with some of the requests that they made. Obviously 00:28:22.618 --> 00:28:26.989 they are a legitimate request but asking for um additional 00:28:27.000 --> 00:28:28.779 employees. What are they gonna do? Are they still gonna 00:28:28.789 --> 00:28:31.670 drive around the city and take pictures of our houses 00:28:32.108 --> 00:28:35.910 So I I just um am voicing my concern today and hoping 00:28:36.250 --> 00:28:41.838 that our leadership in Lara City Council and others 00:28:41.848 --> 00:28:44.380 because I doubt none of our neighbors knew about this 00:28:44.390 --> 00:28:46.299 I will tell you right now, I spoke to so many members 00:28:46.309 --> 00:28:49.059 of my community. You could say that you went to events 00:28:49.068 --> 00:28:51.380 blah, blah, blah, our city, these people, we work. 00:28:51.390 --> 00:28:53.858 We didn't know I found this by a piece of junk bail 00:28:53.868 --> 00:28:56.140 by the grace of God. I found this or I would not 00:28:56.150 --> 00:28:59.150 know come January 1st that my water rates were going 00:28:59.160 --> 00:29:04.009 to go up. So I'm hoping that that this forum here today 00:29:04.098 --> 00:29:06.979 will light a little ignition in some people to say 00:29:06.989 --> 00:29:08.969 you know, it's disappointing to hear from our city 00:29:08.979 --> 00:29:11.299 council that they're giving up and saying, oh, wait 00:29:11.309 --> 00:29:14.578 oh boy, don't fight it because don't fight City Hall 00:29:15.400 --> 00:29:18.680 Very disappointing. I'm hoping that the commission 00:29:18.689 --> 00:29:21.009 I agree with everything. The gentleman that spoke earlier 00:29:21.019 --> 00:29:24.598 I know he's speaking on a technical term and his difference 00:29:24.608 --> 00:29:27.390 and his recommendation between whatever 3% and that 00:29:27.400 --> 00:29:31.219 the egregious outrageous amount that, that sws was 00:29:31.229 --> 00:29:34.890 asking. You could just see that it is, it's an outrageous 00:29:34.900 --> 00:29:37.930 request and the demand on this community. It will show 00:29:37.939 --> 00:29:41.890 please support the committee of Lara Whittier. I appreciate 00:29:41.900 --> 00:29:45.410 your time. Thank you. Excuse me. This is a court reporter 00:29:45.420 --> 00:29:49.068 ma'am. Would you please state and spell your name or 00:29:49.078 --> 00:29:54.689 just? Yes. Yes. I'm sorry. My name is Laurel. Laurel 00:29:55.729 --> 00:30:03.509 middle initial, a last name Mendoza Mendoz A and I 00:30:03.519 --> 00:30:05.858 just want to thank everybody for your time. I appreciate 00:30:05.868 --> 00:30:10.709 it. 00:30:10.709 --> 00:30:15.759 Thank you operator. Do we have anybody uh in 00:30:15.759 --> 00:30:17.868 and we have no additional callers on the line at this 00:30:17.880 --> 00:30:19.868 time. But again, that is star one. If you would like 00:30:19.880 --> 00:30:23.459 to make a comment, what I think we're gonna do. It's 00:30:23.469 --> 00:30:27.500 2 30 I think we should take a 10 minute break. Uh 00:30:27.509 --> 00:30:31.279 2 31. So we'll come back at 2 41. We'll take a 00:30:31.289 --> 00:30:34.459 short break to see if anybody joins the line. Uh We 00:30:34.469 --> 00:30:42.529 are temporarily off the record. Thank you. 00:30:42.529 --> 00:30:45.098 The feed for this streaming event brought to you by 00:30:45.108 --> 00:30:48.539 admin monitor dot com will begin momentarily. Thank 00:30:48.549 --> 00:30:51.838 you for your patience. Could get some additional callers 00:30:51.848 --> 00:30:56.170 to call in my understanding that we do have a one caller 00:30:56.449 --> 00:30:59.709 Uh Could the caller, please when they are told that 00:30:59.719 --> 00:31:02.130 it's time to speak to, please state and spell their 00:31:02.140 --> 00:31:05.618 name operator, go ahead and announce the caller, please 00:31:09.838 --> 00:31:12.670 and it looks like we have Laurel Mendoza. He's back 00:31:12.680 --> 00:31:18.000 on cue. You may go ahead. Hi. Thank you. I appreciate 00:31:18.009 --> 00:31:20.618 it. Um I also want to just thank everybody for your 00:31:20.630 --> 00:31:23.818 time today. I know that this is a sensitive topic for 00:31:23.838 --> 00:31:27.289 for you all and the residents as well. And you know 00:31:27.299 --> 00:31:30.019 I just want to make this other comment um regarding 00:31:30.140 --> 00:31:33.439 urban water systems efforts or the marketing campaign 00:31:33.449 --> 00:31:36.930 or what they call, uh didn't seem to be too successful 00:31:36.939 --> 00:31:41.059 since I am literally the only resident in Lamb or that's 00:31:41.068 --> 00:31:44.140 calling into this call. I really find it preposterous 00:31:44.150 --> 00:31:47.489 that nobody else in the city cares about their water 00:31:47.500 --> 00:31:50.400 rates increasing and we get that, we understand that 00:31:50.410 --> 00:31:54.180 everybody is suffering and, you know, as all of us 00:31:54.189 --> 00:31:57.509 are, I'm newly retired, so I never really paid attention 00:31:57.519 --> 00:32:01.049 to this stuff until now. And now I kind of see what 00:32:01.059 --> 00:32:05.229 what's um happening a little bit. If we don't pay attention 00:32:05.318 --> 00:32:08.469 this is gonna um under our nose. And then in January 00:32:08.479 --> 00:32:10.180 we're gonna have this huge bill and everybody is gonna 00:32:10.189 --> 00:32:14.108 go, what happened. So I, I just wanted to say that 00:32:14.118 --> 00:32:17.578 and also this program that you mentioned where if people 00:32:17.588 --> 00:32:20.779 can't afford to um pay for their bills, that there's 00:32:20.789 --> 00:32:24.469 programs. Um And then also what I understand there 00:32:24.479 --> 00:32:27.729 there's a um from reading the application um that was 00:32:27.739 --> 00:32:33.969 submitted by SW us um that um there, I'm sorry, I lost 00:32:33.979 --> 00:32:38.920 my train of thought. I'm so sorry. 00:32:38.920 --> 00:32:41.930 I, I apologize. I lost my train thought. However, um 00:32:41.939 --> 00:32:45.969 it, it just seems that if, you know, they're asking 00:32:45.979 --> 00:32:50.989 us to watch our water usage, which a lot of us did 00:32:51.189 --> 00:32:54.108 And then they're, they're, it seems to be penalizing 00:32:54.118 --> 00:32:58.630 the ones that watered little or less and paid their 00:32:58.640 --> 00:33:01.939 bills and the people that are watering more and yet 00:33:01.949 --> 00:33:03.539 they're on this program, I don't know if that's true 00:33:03.549 --> 00:33:05.608 or not. I'd like to see the statistics on that because 00:33:05.618 --> 00:33:08.160 again, I would, you know, I want everybody in the community 00:33:08.199 --> 00:33:10.400 to course have water and be safe drinking water, et 00:33:10.410 --> 00:33:14.269 cetera. But these are just my comments and I'm hoping 00:33:14.279 --> 00:33:16.549 that our, you know, sub city council will hear this 00:33:16.559 --> 00:33:20.059 recorded conversation and help the, the residents of 00:33:20.338 --> 00:33:24.019 Lavada understand because the difference in the proposed 00:33:24.029 --> 00:33:28.818 increase from an advocate, which I feel kind of silly 00:33:28.828 --> 00:33:30.828 about that. I never even knew that there was an advocate 00:33:30.838 --> 00:33:33.269 for us because I don't pay attention. I just worked 00:33:33.279 --> 00:33:36.759 and now I'm paying attention. So I'm hoping that others 00:33:36.769 --> 00:33:42.500 will. And I just wanted to um again, stress the fact 00:33:42.509 --> 00:33:44.920 that the residents of the city of Lara, they love our 00:33:44.930 --> 00:33:47.939 city. It's a beautiful city and we um we've never had 00:33:47.949 --> 00:33:51.219 any problems with suburban water systems for me personally 00:33:51.229 --> 00:33:54.189 until they took a picture of my home. And I took that 00:33:54.199 --> 00:33:57.068 as kind of a, a little bit of a threat and I 00:33:57.078 --> 00:34:00.289 even received a second notice and it was, it was just 00:34:00.299 --> 00:34:02.949 something that I, I just find surprising that they 00:34:02.959 --> 00:34:05.630 could have used their efforts better in their, their 00:34:05.640 --> 00:34:08.918 employees time. And I hope hopefully that we can, you 00:34:08.929 --> 00:34:11.168 know, I need to find out more about this advocacy group 00:34:11.179 --> 00:34:13.369 because it sounds to me like nobody else does but the 00:34:13.378 --> 00:34:16.250 advocates. So I'm hoping to change that. And if there 00:34:16.260 --> 00:34:19.329 is, I'm, I'm just coming into the game maybe late, 00:34:19.340 --> 00:34:23.309 but it just, I, I appreciate you giving me the, the 00:34:23.320 --> 00:34:27.849 the forum to discuss the concerns of the. Hopefully 00:34:27.860 --> 00:34:31.530 I can speak for some of the residents of the city and 00:34:31.539 --> 00:34:33.918 where's Whittier where I don't hear anybody from Whittier 00:34:33.929 --> 00:34:36.438 So I guess that campaign didn't do so well either. 00:34:39.458 --> 00:34:58.860 Thank you so much for your time 00:34:58.860 --> 00:35:01.030 and I have no additional callers in queue at this time 00:35:01.039 --> 00:35:02.849 But again, as a reminder, if you would like to make 00:35:02.860 --> 00:35:06.329 a comment, please unmute your phone. Press star one 00:35:06.340 --> 00:35:09.269 and record your first and last name slowly and clearly 00:35:38.369 --> 00:35:41.719 at 6 p.m. Commissioner. Do you have any concluding 00:35:41.728 --> 00:35:44.610 remarks? 00:35:44.610 --> 00:35:48.289 Yes. Thank you, Judge Kelly. Just again, appreciation 00:35:48.780 --> 00:35:53.099 uh for the presentations provided by water systems 00:35:53.110 --> 00:35:59.579 and our advocates and also, uh our one caller MS Mendoza 00:36:00.269 --> 00:36:07.059 she covered quite a few different uh concerns. Uh and 00:36:07.070 --> 00:36:12.280 um, uh, I, I know that we required to go to water 00:36:12.289 --> 00:36:20.228 to publicize the proposed increase and there is a number 00:36:20.260 --> 00:36:23.478 of different, but it is something that in the future 00:36:23.789 --> 00:36:28.219 we can take a look at what's been working and what's 00:36:28.228 --> 00:36:31.349 been improve. But meanwhile, I will be back at six 00:36:31.360 --> 00:36:34.860 o'clock, uh, with you, Judge Kelly. And, uh, thank 00:36:34.869 --> 00:36:38.800 you again to all. 00:36:38.800 --> 00:36:40.978 Thank you, Commissioner. I look forward to working 00:36:40.989 --> 00:36:44.360 with you on this matter on behalf of myself and the 00:36:44.369 --> 00:36:47.929 commissioners at the puc. I want to thank everybody 00:36:47.938 --> 00:36:51.728 for your participation here today. Uh I really do appreciate 00:36:51.739 --> 00:36:55.550 it. Comments from the public do help us when we review 00:36:55.559 --> 00:36:59.199 these applications and we do make a decision. I also 00:36:59.208 --> 00:37:02.199 want to thank the parties for their very useful presentations 00:37:02.208 --> 00:37:06.280 that was very helpful and I just wanted to thank everybody 00:37:06.289 --> 00:37:09.719 who helped pull this remote hearing off today. Uh could 00:37:09.728 --> 00:37:12.619 not have done it without the help of the court reporters 00:37:12.628 --> 00:37:16.659 the it and the staff at the public advisor's office 00:37:17.039 --> 00:37:19.969 Uh Again, thanks to everyone for the help. I do, I 00:37:19.978 --> 00:37:22.139 do personally appreciate everything that everybody 00:37:22.148 --> 00:37:26.610 does for us at this point. Uh Just one final check 00:37:26.619 --> 00:37:29.820 to make sure that there are no further uh calls before 00:37:29.829 --> 00:37:35.668 we go off the record 00:37:35.668 --> 00:37:40.289 and we have no colors. Ok. So with that, uh this concludes 00:37:40.300 --> 00:37:44.000 the two P MP PH for suburban water systems, general 00:37:44.010 --> 00:37:47.280 rate case. Uh We are adjourned and off the record. 00:37:47.289 --> 00:37:48.179 Thank you, everybody.