WEBVTT 00:00:00.190 --> 00:00:02.250 Meet for this streaming event. 00:00:02.250 --> 00:00:04.330 This meeting of the Railroad Commission of Texas 00:00:04.330 --> 00:00:05.970 will come to order to consider matters, 00:00:05.970 --> 00:00:08.730 which have been duly posted with the Secretary of State 00:00:08.730 --> 00:00:11.240 for January 11th, 2022. 00:00:11.240 --> 00:00:13.230 Under our public participation policy, 00:00:13.230 --> 00:00:15.670 anyone desiring to offer public testimony 00:00:15.670 --> 00:00:19.180 on any items that are not noticed on today's agenda 00:00:19.180 --> 00:00:22.440 was required to register in advance. 00:00:22.440 --> 00:00:24.630 We did not have anyone registered in advance 00:00:24.630 --> 00:00:25.580 for this meeting. 00:00:25.580 --> 00:00:28.350 The Commission will consider the items on the agenda 00:00:28.350 --> 00:00:29.890 as posted on the agenda. 00:00:29.890 --> 00:00:32.633 Let's get started with the agenda item one. 00:00:36.920 --> 00:00:38.644 Good morning, chairman and Commissioners. 00:00:38.644 --> 00:00:40.340 Good morning. 00:00:40.340 --> 00:00:42.470 For the record, my name is Tara Guzman. 00:00:42.470 --> 00:00:44.860 I am representing the market oversight section 00:00:44.860 --> 00:00:46.743 of the Oversight and Safety Division. 00:00:48.060 --> 00:00:51.560 Agenda item number one is case number 7778, 00:00:51.560 --> 00:00:53.730 the application of taxes gas service 00:00:53.730 --> 00:00:57.290 for the tax year 2020 annual end term rate adjustment 00:00:57.290 --> 00:00:59.020 for the unincorporated area 00:00:59.020 --> 00:01:02.010 of the Borger, SKellytown service area. 00:01:02.010 --> 00:01:04.550 This case is the third antrum rate adjustment 00:01:04.550 --> 00:01:05.461 the company has filed 00:01:05.461 --> 00:01:08.350 for the Borger, SKellytown service area 00:01:08.350 --> 00:01:10.220 since the final order was issued 00:01:10.220 --> 00:01:12.780 in the most recent statement of intent, 00:01:12.780 --> 00:01:16.323 gas utilities docket number 10766. 00:01:17.620 --> 00:01:18.930 This adjustment represent 00:01:18.930 --> 00:01:23.810 an incremental increase of $43,796, 00:01:23.810 --> 00:01:28.130 of which $3,439 is recoverable from customers 00:01:28.130 --> 00:01:29.930 subject to this order. 00:01:29.930 --> 00:01:32.680 I recommend approval of the antrum rate adjustment. 00:01:32.680 --> 00:01:34.825 I'm available to answer any questions. 00:01:34.825 --> 00:01:36.090 Are there any questions members? 00:01:36.090 --> 00:01:37.100 No, sir. 00:01:37.100 --> 00:01:39.210 I move we approve the examiners recommendation. 00:01:39.210 --> 00:01:40.050 Is there a second? 00:01:40.050 --> 00:01:40.883 Second. 00:01:40.883 --> 00:01:42.080 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 00:01:42.080 --> 00:01:43.439 All in favor, say aye. 00:01:43.439 --> 00:01:44.272 [Chairman, Craddick And Wright] Aye. 00:01:44.272 --> 00:01:45.170 Any opposed? 00:01:45.170 --> 00:01:46.170 Motion passes. 00:01:46.170 --> 00:01:47.480 That item is approved. 00:01:47.480 --> 00:01:48.560 Thank you. 00:01:48.560 --> 00:01:49.640 Thank you. 00:01:49.640 --> 00:01:52.820 Item number two, Veronica. 00:01:52.820 --> 00:01:54.540 Good morning Commissioners, 00:01:54.540 --> 00:01:55.457 chairmen. Good morning. 00:01:55.457 --> 00:01:57.240 For the record, Veronica Roberto, 00:01:57.240 --> 00:01:59.730 Administrative (indistinct) to the Hearings division. 00:01:59.730 --> 00:02:01.679 Item number two is the application 00:02:01.679 --> 00:02:04.720 by San Miguel Electric Cooperative Inc, 00:02:04.720 --> 00:02:06.890 requesting phase three release 00:02:06.890 --> 00:02:10.620 on an aggregate 366.4 acres 00:02:10.620 --> 00:02:13.070 within San Miguel Lignite Mine, 00:02:13.070 --> 00:02:14.790 permit number 11H 00:02:14.790 --> 00:02:18.530 located in Atascosa and McLennan counties. 00:02:18.530 --> 00:02:20.170 The approved post-mine land uses 00:02:20.170 --> 00:02:23.320 are pasture land and industrial commercial. 00:02:23.320 --> 00:02:24.710 Evidence in the record supports 00:02:24.710 --> 00:02:27.120 that San Miguel has satisfied our requirements 00:02:27.120 --> 00:02:29.920 for phase three release of the subject area 00:02:29.920 --> 00:02:31.100 as required by the act 00:02:31.100 --> 00:02:32.883 in the coal mining regulations. 00:02:33.730 --> 00:02:34.900 After public notice, 00:02:34.900 --> 00:02:37.560 no comments or requests for hearing were received. 00:02:37.560 --> 00:02:39.790 San Miguel and staff are the only parties 00:02:39.790 --> 00:02:41.060 to this proceeding. 00:02:41.060 --> 00:02:43.620 No exceptions were filed to the proposed order, 00:02:43.620 --> 00:02:46.740 no changes to the current bond are requested in this docket. 00:02:46.740 --> 00:02:49.800 It is recommended their requests for phase three release 00:02:49.800 --> 00:02:52.340 of reclamation obligations be approved 00:02:52.340 --> 00:02:54.330 and that San Miguel be eligible 00:02:54.330 --> 00:02:56.200 to reduce the amount of bond. 00:02:56.200 --> 00:02:57.790 I'm available for questions. 00:02:57.790 --> 00:02:59.039 Any questions members? 00:02:59.039 --> 00:02:59.872 [Wright And Craddick] No. 00:02:59.872 --> 00:03:01.750 I move we approve the examiners recommendation. 00:03:01.750 --> 00:03:02.583 Is there a second? 00:03:02.583 --> 00:03:03.416 Second. 00:03:03.416 --> 00:03:04.250 Second by Commissioner Wright. 00:03:04.250 --> 00:03:05.511 All in favor, say aye. 00:03:05.511 --> 00:03:06.450 [Chairman, Craddick and Wright] Aye. 00:03:06.450 --> 00:03:07.283 Any opposed? 00:03:07.283 --> 00:03:08.116 Motion passes. 00:03:08.116 --> 00:03:09.420 That item is approved. 00:03:09.420 --> 00:03:10.507 Item number three. 00:03:10.507 --> 00:03:12.424 Thank you. 00:03:13.873 --> 00:03:14.995 Good morning. 00:03:14.995 --> 00:03:15.828 [Chairman and Wright] Good morning. 00:03:15.828 --> 00:03:16.880 And happy new year chairman, 00:03:16.880 --> 00:03:17.713 Commissioners. Happy new year. 00:03:17.713 --> 00:03:18.765 For the record, Joe Menifee, 00:03:18.765 --> 00:03:21.580 Paralegal with the Hearings division. 00:03:21.580 --> 00:03:24.400 I'll be presenting items three and four. 00:03:24.400 --> 00:03:27.830 Both of which are P5 motions for rehearing, 00:03:27.830 --> 00:03:30.370 filed as a result of a final order, 00:03:30.370 --> 00:03:33.070 denying renewal of the operators P5, 00:03:33.070 --> 00:03:35.010 because of wells noncompliant 00:03:35.010 --> 00:03:37.400 with Statewide rule 15. 00:03:37.400 --> 00:03:38.370 Item number three. 00:03:38.370 --> 00:03:40.860 In its motion for rehearing, 00:03:40.860 --> 00:03:43.990 Reo Operating LLC states, 00:03:43.990 --> 00:03:46.575 it needs more time to come into compliance, 00:03:46.575 --> 00:03:48.400 but does not give a reason 00:03:48.400 --> 00:03:51.120 for its failure to request a hearing. 00:03:51.120 --> 00:03:53.030 Staff opposes the motion. 00:03:53.030 --> 00:03:56.380 At this time, three wells remain noncompliant 00:03:56.380 --> 00:03:58.500 with Statewide rule 15. 00:03:58.500 --> 00:04:01.020 It is recommended the motion be denied. 00:04:01.020 --> 00:04:04.130 The motion will be overruled by operation of law 00:04:04.130 --> 00:04:05.840 on January 20th. 00:04:05.840 --> 00:04:07.680 I'm available for questions. 00:04:07.680 --> 00:04:08.850 Any questions members, 00:04:08.850 --> 00:04:09.683 [Craddick And Wright] No. 00:04:09.683 --> 00:04:10.516 Hearing none, 00:04:10.516 --> 00:04:12.300 I move we approve the examiner's recommendation. 00:04:12.300 --> 00:04:13.450 Is there a second? 00:04:13.450 --> 00:04:14.283 Second. 00:04:14.283 --> 00:04:15.116 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 00:04:15.116 --> 00:04:16.370 All in favor, say aye. 00:04:16.370 --> 00:04:17.260 [Chairman, Craddick And Right] Aye. 00:04:17.260 --> 00:04:18.280 Any opposed? 00:04:18.280 --> 00:04:19.780 Motion passes. 00:04:19.780 --> 00:04:21.100 Item number four. 00:04:21.100 --> 00:04:22.370 Item number four. 00:04:22.370 --> 00:04:24.150 In it's motion for rehearing, 00:04:24.150 --> 00:04:27.197 South Coast Production Inc states that, 00:04:27.197 --> 00:04:30.670 "Further remedial action is needed," 00:04:30.670 --> 00:04:32.160 but does not give a reason 00:04:32.160 --> 00:04:34.730 for its failure to request a hearing. 00:04:34.730 --> 00:04:36.950 Staff opposes the motion. 00:04:36.950 --> 00:04:41.280 Four wells remain non-compliant with Statewide rule 15. 00:04:41.280 --> 00:04:43.910 It is recommended the motion be denied. 00:04:43.910 --> 00:04:45.270 The motion will be overruled 00:04:45.270 --> 00:04:48.200 by operation of law on January 20th. 00:04:48.200 --> 00:04:49.970 I'm available for questions. 00:04:49.970 --> 00:04:51.170 Any questions members? 00:04:51.170 --> 00:04:52.003 No. 00:04:52.003 --> 00:04:52.836 Hearing none, 00:04:52.836 --> 00:04:54.580 I move we approve the examiner's recommendation. 00:04:54.580 --> 00:04:55.464 Is there a second? 00:04:55.464 --> 00:04:56.297 Second. 00:04:56.297 --> 00:04:57.150 Second by Commissioner Wright. 00:04:57.150 --> 00:04:58.403 All in favor, say aye. 00:04:58.403 --> 00:04:59.240 [Chairman, Craddick And Wright] Aye. 00:04:59.240 --> 00:05:00.340 Any opposed? 00:05:00.340 --> 00:05:01.180 Motion passes. 00:05:01.180 --> 00:05:02.950 That item is approved. 00:05:02.950 --> 00:05:04.597 Thank you, Joseph. 00:05:04.597 --> 00:05:05.430 Thank you. 00:05:05.430 --> 00:05:07.350 Let's move on to the oil and gas Consent Agenda. 00:05:07.350 --> 00:05:10.350 There are 38 items on the Consent Agenda. 00:05:10.350 --> 00:05:12.640 I move we approve items five through 42. 00:05:12.640 --> 00:05:13.600 Is there a second? 00:05:13.600 --> 00:05:14.433 Second. 00:05:14.433 --> 00:05:15.460 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 00:05:15.460 --> 00:05:16.784 All in favor, say aye. 00:05:16.784 --> 00:05:17.617 [Chairman, Craddick and Wright] Aye. 00:05:17.617 --> 00:05:18.720 Any opposed? 00:05:18.720 --> 00:05:20.430 Motion passes. 00:05:20.430 --> 00:05:22.850 Let's move to the master default orders. 00:05:22.850 --> 00:05:25.360 There are nine master default orders. 00:05:25.360 --> 00:05:28.950 I move we approve items 43 through 51. 00:05:28.950 --> 00:05:29.783 Is there a second? 00:05:29.783 --> 00:05:30.616 Second. 00:05:30.616 --> 00:05:31.820 Second by Commissioner Wright. 00:05:31.820 --> 00:05:32.970 All in favor, say aye. 00:05:32.970 --> 00:05:33.930 [Chairman, Craddick and Right] Aye. 00:05:33.930 --> 00:05:35.040 Any opposed? 00:05:35.040 --> 00:05:37.820 Motion passes and those items are approved. 00:05:37.820 --> 00:05:39.530 Let's moved to the Greed Enforcement Order. 00:05:39.530 --> 00:05:42.950 They're 176 greed enforcement orders. 00:05:42.950 --> 00:05:46.870 I move we approve items 52 through 227. 00:05:46.870 --> 00:05:47.703 Is there a second? 00:05:47.703 --> 00:05:48.536 Second. 00:05:48.536 --> 00:05:49.470 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 00:05:49.470 --> 00:05:50.583 All in favor, say aye. 00:05:50.583 --> 00:05:51.440 [Chairman, Craddick and Wright] Aye. 00:05:51.440 --> 00:05:52.550 Any opposed? 00:05:52.550 --> 00:05:53.480 Motion passes. 00:05:53.480 --> 00:05:54.760 Those items were approved. 00:05:54.760 --> 00:05:56.210 That concludes the hearing section. 00:05:56.210 --> 00:05:58.980 We will now take our administrative agendas. 00:05:58.980 --> 00:06:01.440 Agenda item number 228 is an update 00:06:01.440 --> 00:06:04.400 from the Executive Director, Mr. Wayne. 00:06:04.400 --> 00:06:05.390 Happy new year to you sir. 00:06:05.390 --> 00:06:06.520 Happy new year. 00:06:06.520 --> 00:06:07.958 Good morning Commissioners. 00:06:07.958 --> 00:06:08.791 Good morning. 00:06:08.791 --> 00:06:09.624 For the record, 00:06:09.624 --> 00:06:11.150 Wee Wayne, Executive Director. 00:06:11.150 --> 00:06:14.520 And as of last Friday, 00:06:14.520 --> 00:06:19.270 the Commission had 853 employees as we start a new year. 00:06:19.270 --> 00:06:21.449 And also wanna give you a quick update 00:06:21.449 --> 00:06:23.820 on the site visits 00:06:23.820 --> 00:06:26.560 our critical infrastructure division has been doing. 00:06:26.560 --> 00:06:28.030 As of last Friday, 00:06:28.030 --> 00:06:31.320 we have visited 3,700 facilities 00:06:31.320 --> 00:06:34.840 and that represents 21,000 producing wells 00:06:34.840 --> 00:06:37.810 as well as ingestion wells. 00:06:37.810 --> 00:06:42.810 And also we have visited over 350 pipeline facilities. 00:06:44.720 --> 00:06:48.780 So altogether looking at the underground storage, 00:06:48.780 --> 00:06:50.440 the facility we have visited 00:06:50.440 --> 00:06:53.890 represent close to 50% of the total amount 00:06:53.890 --> 00:06:56.330 of natural gas stored in underground storage. 00:06:56.330 --> 00:07:00.640 And we'll continue that efforts through all this winter. 00:07:00.640 --> 00:07:03.440 And with that, I'm available for questions. 00:07:03.440 --> 00:07:04.520 Any questions members? 00:07:04.520 --> 00:07:05.897 No. 00:07:05.897 --> 00:07:06.730 Okay, thank you Mayor 00:07:06.730 --> 00:07:07.620 very much. Thank you, (indistinct). 00:07:07.620 --> 00:07:10.570 We appreciate the work that you and all of our team does. 00:07:12.280 --> 00:07:13.880 Agenda item 229 is an update 00:07:13.880 --> 00:07:16.080 from the office of general counsel. 00:07:16.080 --> 00:07:17.160 Good morning, Mr. Chairman, 00:07:17.160 --> 00:07:17.993 Commissioners. Good morning. 00:07:17.993 --> 00:07:19.810 David Cooney from the Office of General Counsel. 00:07:19.810 --> 00:07:22.850 Just wanna briefly report that we were poised 00:07:22.850 --> 00:07:26.120 to turn in comments on the waters of the US rule, 00:07:26.120 --> 00:07:28.383 comments are due February 7th, 00:07:29.530 --> 00:07:30.510 early next month. 00:07:30.510 --> 00:07:32.730 And we've circulated among the executive staff, 00:07:32.730 --> 00:07:34.590 some draft comments were put together. 00:07:34.590 --> 00:07:36.790 So we're planning on using the next couple of weeks 00:07:36.790 --> 00:07:38.470 to get input from that 00:07:38.470 --> 00:07:40.010 and finalize those. 00:07:40.010 --> 00:07:44.800 Also we're poised to join the TCEQ commenting 00:07:44.800 --> 00:07:46.170 on the methane rules. 00:07:46.170 --> 00:07:48.920 Comments for that are due January 31st. 00:07:48.920 --> 00:07:49.760 And we're right now, 00:07:49.760 --> 00:07:52.760 the staff is working on providing TCEQ some information 00:07:52.760 --> 00:07:56.140 about the impacts of the rule on small operators, 00:07:56.140 --> 00:07:59.773 which we think EPA is seriously understated. 00:08:00.863 --> 00:08:03.390 And I'm happy to answer any questions. 00:08:03.390 --> 00:08:04.223 Any questions members? 00:08:04.223 --> 00:08:06.060 Thank you all for staying engaged with us. 00:08:06.060 --> 00:08:06.893 Yes. 00:08:06.893 --> 00:08:07.726 Yeah, thank you. 00:08:07.726 --> 00:08:08.559 Thank you. 00:08:08.559 --> 00:08:09.392 We certainly appreciate the good work 00:08:09.392 --> 00:08:10.225 that y'all are doing. 00:08:10.225 --> 00:08:11.840 Thank you for your efforts. Thank you, sir. 00:08:11.840 --> 00:08:14.700 Okay, item number 230. 00:08:14.700 --> 00:08:15.533 Is that correct? 00:08:15.533 --> 00:08:16.366 Yeah. 00:08:16.366 --> 00:08:18.240 Is the Oil Field Clean-Up Program Annual Report 00:08:18.240 --> 00:08:20.033 for fiscal year 2021. 00:08:20.963 --> 00:08:22.634 Good morning, chairman and Commissioners. 00:08:22.634 --> 00:08:23.467 [Chairman, Craddick And Right] Good morning. 00:08:23.467 --> 00:08:24.300 For the record, 00:08:24.300 --> 00:08:25.897 my name is Keith Mayer with the Oil and Gas Division 00:08:25.897 --> 00:08:30.897 and I'll be presenting items 230, 231 and 232. 00:08:30.960 --> 00:08:34.600 So item 230 is Oil Field Cleanup Program's annual report 00:08:34.600 --> 00:08:36.373 for fiscal year 2021, 00:08:37.440 --> 00:08:41.310 Texas natural resource code 81.O69C 00:08:41.310 --> 00:08:43.410 requires the Commission to file an annual report 00:08:43.410 --> 00:08:44.670 to the legislator 00:08:44.670 --> 00:08:47.500 for the oil and gas regulation and cleanup fund. 00:08:47.500 --> 00:08:50.820 This report covers the period from September 1st, 2020 00:08:50.820 --> 00:08:53.470 through August 31st, 2021. 00:08:53.470 --> 00:08:55.080 And contains information on the site 00:08:55.080 --> 00:08:57.740 and the state manage plugging and cleanup programs, 00:08:57.740 --> 00:08:58.810 enforcement activities, 00:08:58.810 --> 00:09:01.870 and financial information related to the programs. 00:09:01.870 --> 00:09:04.300 We recommend your approval of this report 00:09:04.300 --> 00:09:05.690 for submission to the legislator. 00:09:05.690 --> 00:09:07.220 May answer any questions. 00:09:07.220 --> 00:09:09.341 Any questions members? 00:09:09.341 --> 00:09:10.174 No. 00:09:10.174 --> 00:09:11.850 Okay, I move, 00:09:11.850 --> 00:09:14.250 we approve the Oil Field Clean-Up Program Annual Report 00:09:14.250 --> 00:09:16.290 for fiscal year 2021. 00:09:16.290 --> 00:09:17.220 Is there a second? 00:09:17.220 --> 00:09:18.053 Second. 00:09:18.053 --> 00:09:19.020 Second by Commissioner Wright. 00:09:19.020 --> 00:09:20.283 All in favor, say aye. 00:09:20.283 --> 00:09:21.116 [Chairman, Craddick and Wright] Aye. 00:09:21.116 --> 00:09:21.949 Any opposed? 00:09:21.949 --> 00:09:22.782 Motion passes. 00:09:22.782 --> 00:09:23.940 That item is approved. 00:09:23.940 --> 00:09:24.773 Okay. 00:09:24.773 --> 00:09:25.606 231. 00:09:25.606 --> 00:09:27.750 Item 231, the Oil and Gas Division 00:09:27.750 --> 00:09:28.680 is seeking your approval 00:09:28.680 --> 00:09:30.020 for the state managed plugging 00:09:30.020 --> 00:09:31.540 and site remediation work plans 00:09:31.540 --> 00:09:33.910 for fiscal year 2022. 00:09:33.910 --> 00:09:35.840 During fiscal year 2021, 00:09:35.840 --> 00:09:36.950 the state managed plugging 00:09:36.950 --> 00:09:38.360 and state managed cleanup programs 00:09:38.360 --> 00:09:40.160 exceeded their performance measures 00:09:40.160 --> 00:09:43.200 by plugging 1,453 wells 00:09:43.200 --> 00:09:47.294 and completing 275 cleanup activities. 00:09:47.294 --> 00:09:49.260 This marks the fifth year in a row 00:09:49.260 --> 00:09:51.500 that these two programs have collectively exceeded 00:09:51.500 --> 00:09:53.870 their performance measure goals. 00:09:53.870 --> 00:09:55.530 And we hope to make that six years in a row 00:09:55.530 --> 00:09:57.670 by meeting or exceeding these performance measures 00:09:57.670 --> 00:09:59.667 for fiscal year 2022. 00:09:59.667 --> 00:10:02.160 Which includes plugging 1000 wells 00:10:02.160 --> 00:10:05.660 with a budget of 22,754,000 00:10:05.660 --> 00:10:08.050 and conducting 200 cleanup activities 00:10:08.050 --> 00:10:13.050 with the budget of $10,728,985. 00:10:13.350 --> 00:10:14.640 May answer any questions. 00:10:14.640 --> 00:10:15.561 Any questions members? 00:10:15.561 --> 00:10:16.520 No. 00:10:16.520 --> 00:10:17.660 Okay, I move we approve 00:10:17.660 --> 00:10:20.070 the fiscal year 2022 well plugging 00:10:20.070 --> 00:10:22.120 and site remediation work plans. 00:10:22.120 --> 00:10:22.953 Is there a second? 00:10:22.953 --> 00:10:23.786 Second. 00:10:23.786 --> 00:10:24.660 Second by Commissioner Craddick. 00:10:24.660 --> 00:10:26.251 All in favor, say aye. 00:10:26.251 --> 00:10:27.084 [Chairman, Craddick and Wright] Aye. 00:10:27.084 --> 00:10:27.917 Any opposed? 00:10:27.917 --> 00:10:28.750 Motion passes. 00:10:28.750 --> 00:10:30.410 That item is approved. 00:10:30.410 --> 00:10:35.120 Item 232, Oil Field Cleanup Program Quarterly Status Report, 00:10:35.120 --> 00:10:36.960 fiscal year 2022. 00:10:36.960 --> 00:10:39.370 Correct, like you said, 00:10:39.370 --> 00:10:41.960 so during the first 1/4 of fiscal year 2022, 00:10:41.960 --> 00:10:43.510 plugging operations were completed 00:10:43.510 --> 00:10:46.850 and follows were close on 185 wells 00:10:46.850 --> 00:10:51.187 at a cost of $4,302,362. 00:10:53.110 --> 00:10:55.580 This includes only the wells that were plugged, 00:10:55.580 --> 00:10:57.430 invoiced by the plugging contractor 00:10:57.430 --> 00:11:00.420 and approved for payment by field operations. 00:11:00.420 --> 00:11:03.250 During the same period, 407 new wells were approved 00:11:03.250 --> 00:11:05.232 for plugging with state funds. 00:11:05.232 --> 00:11:09.260 A total of 308 wells were physically plugged 00:11:09.260 --> 00:11:11.100 to the end of the first 1/4 00:11:11.100 --> 00:11:13.963 of which 185 have been invoiced and paid. 00:11:15.430 --> 00:11:17.590 Site remediations performance during the first 1/4 00:11:17.590 --> 00:11:20.120 included 18 cleanup activities completed 00:11:20.120 --> 00:11:24.207 and closed at a cost of $226,876. 00:11:26.090 --> 00:11:28.370 Additional 98 new activities were approved 00:11:28.370 --> 00:11:29.370 in the same period. 00:11:29.370 --> 00:11:30.680 May answer any questions. 00:11:30.680 --> 00:11:31.513 Any questions members? 00:11:31.513 --> 00:11:32.346 Sure. No. 00:11:32.346 --> 00:11:34.000 Thank you all for the work we're doing. 00:11:34.000 --> 00:11:34.833 Yeah, thank you very much. Thank You. 00:11:34.833 --> 00:11:37.110 And it's amazing to see that 00:11:37.110 --> 00:11:40.528 for the fifth year we've exceeded the targets we have been 00:11:40.528 --> 00:11:42.030 handed by the legislature. Yes, yeah. 00:11:42.030 --> 00:11:43.700 So that's a cleanup. 00:11:43.700 --> 00:11:45.440 So good work folks. Good job. 00:11:45.440 --> 00:11:46.451 We're proud of you. Thank you, 00:11:46.451 --> 00:11:47.284 thank you. Yes, sir. 00:11:47.284 --> 00:11:48.470 Okay, thank you, Keith. 00:11:48.470 --> 00:11:51.743 Let's move on to agenda items number 233. 00:11:54.211 --> 00:11:55.522 Can you prove it? 00:11:55.522 --> 00:11:58.830 Agenda item 233 is a public participation item, okay. 00:11:58.830 --> 00:12:00.150 No one is registered indicating 00:12:00.150 --> 00:12:03.170 that they wish to speak on any non posted items. 00:12:03.170 --> 00:12:06.100 Agenda item 234 is our executive session item, 00:12:06.100 --> 00:12:08.290 which we will not be going into today. 00:12:08.290 --> 00:12:10.670 Are there any other duly posted matters 00:12:10.670 --> 00:12:13.030 to be brought before the Commission at this time? 00:12:13.030 --> 00:12:13.940 Hearing none, 00:12:13.940 --> 00:12:15.830 this meeting of the Railroad Commission of Texas 00:12:15.830 --> 00:12:16.663 is adjourned.